WEENOOR FRP Stakes are designed to
withstand the demanding conditions of agricultural fields. Our FRP Stakes
undergo rigorous engineering to excel in the demanding environments of vine crops.
When it comes to crops grown on vines, our FRP Stakes are unmatched in terms of
performance and resilience.
2, Immunity to Decay: Unlike wood, it
defies warping, rotting, or decay, even when faced with moisture.
3, Corrosion Combatant: Highly resistant to
corrosion, it outshines steel by never succumbing to rust, even under harsh
4, Lightweight yet Robust: Weighing up to
50% less than wood, it boasts equal strength, surpassing many steels pound for
5, Toughness Unmatched: With outstanding
impact resistance, it maintains its form despite heavy handling and usage.
6, Tailored to Perfection: Crafted to fit
your exact requirements, FRP can be produced in limitless lengths and
7, Cost-Efficiency: Utilizing FRP slashes
project expenses with minimal maintenance needs, avoiding the replacement costs
associated with wood over prolonged periods.
8, Environmentally Sound: FRP delivers
unparalleled durability without resorting to environmentally harmful coatings
or preservatives.
9, Consistent Performance: Withstanding
fluctuating temperatures, it ensures reliability even in adverse weather
10, Superior Manufacturing: Employing a
pultrusion process, our stakes combine formulated resin, reinforced fiberglass
roving and matting, additives for protection, and surface coatings for enhanced
weather resistance, UV protection, and improved grip.